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German / Ukrainian / Russian - North Rhine-Westphalia

Office hours

Monday: 12 am - 2.30 pm
Wednesday: 3.30 pm - 5.30 pm

As an employee of the Federal Association of Russian-Speaking Parents (BVRE e.V.), I work as a counsellor in the KEBiK project. I have been working in the field of counselling and support for families and children with and without a migration background for five years. I have gained experience in counselling through my work as a voluntary multiplicator at BVRE e.V. and also in the German-Ukrainian association de. Perspektive e.V., which I run. I advise on the school system and educational opportunities in Germany.

I truely believe that every citizen with - and without - a migration background should be able to improve their own living situation in a self-determined and independent manner.


Немецкий / Русский - Северный Рейн - Вестфалия

Рабочие часы

Понедельник 12 - 14.30
Среда 16.00 - 17.30

Я хотела бы представиться. Как сотрудник Федеральной ассоциации русскоязычных родителей (BVRE e.V.), я работаю в этом проекте в качестве консультанта. Я работаю в области консультирования и поддержки семей и детей с миграционным прошлым и без него уже пять лет. Этот опыт я приобрела, работая в качестве волонтера-мультипликатора в BVRE e.V., а также в немецко-украинской ассоциации de. Perspektive e.V., которой я руковожу. Я консультирую по вопросам школьной системы и образовательных возможностей в Германии. 

Я придерживаюсь мнения, что каждый гражданин с миграционным прошлым - и без него - должен иметь возможность самоопределиться и самостоятельно улучшить свою жизненную ситуацию.


German / Türkish - Berlin

Office hours

Monday: 10 am - 12 am
Wednesday: 11 am  - 1.30 pm

I have been working in the field of education for several years. I offer counselling and support for parents in German and Turkish. You can contact me with questions and problems regarding educational and school matters - from early childhood development to high school graduation.

Almanca / Türkçe - Berlin

Çalışma saatleri
Pazartesi: 10:00 -12:00
Çarşamba: 11:00 -13:30

Uzun yıllardan beri velilere türkçe ve almanca olarak danışmanlık hizmeti sunmaktayım. Hem eğitimle ilgili hem de okulla ilgili soru ve sorunlarınızı bana yöneltebilirsiniz. Alman eğitim sistemini daha iyi anlamak için, veya veli haklarınız ve sorumluluklarınız nedir vs gibi konularda öğrenmek istedikleriniz hakkında bilgi alabilirsiniz. 


Jaschar Mai

German / English / Persian - Bavaria 

Office hours

Wednesday: 4pm  - 6 pm
Friday: 4 pm - 6 pm

I am currently studying International Business in Nüremberg and have already gained experience in migration work. I offer counselling and support for parents in German, English and Persian. If you have any questions about the school system (especially Bavaria), please feel free to contact me.

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